Jazz Mf673 And Zong Mf25 Dead Recovery

 Today I will tell you that how you can recover your jazz mf673 and zong mf25 by yourself at home without open 
so all those devices which has been died while flashing And now showing 900e or 9008 Port due to applying wrong software now all these can be recovered and after recovering Device show no service and disconnected problem 
.first of all open any browser and search this website mrramzan.com after opening it you have to go to jazz or zong category and download the Mf673 jazz and Mf25 9008 900e  disconnect no service fix file. 
after that you need to open software apply password on it WWW.MRRAMZAN.COM  
you will see 1.2.3  options in software select your desired option and press enter now write port number that showing in device manager.  it will it taken 5 to 10 seconds after that device will be reboot in fast mode .after that for opening port you have to write 2 and enter on it. Then file will be flashed .after writing device will show you port in device manager. with help of this port 
you will write qcn on it you can write qcn  by opening qfill loader. then fix its IMEI from IMEI fix file because due to writing its qcn IMEI changed. after this which is it's own you have to apply here .you write IMEI after this qualqumm port which is show in front of you. you have write it and enter it .so here it will be done after this press any key and then come back again into the menu after this apply all fix and device will unlock and fix the no service issue
disconnection will be solve and your device will be works smoothly and no issue will be left in it

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